Over the course of the last month, the Liberty movement as gone from focused and dedicated to scattered and frustrated. Even with the understanding going into the GOP Convention that Ron Paul would almost certainly not win the nomination, our focus was still 100% on Ron Paul's involvement and those loyal Ron Paul delegates. Our resolve was only strengthened by the unfair treatment of Dr. Paul and his supporters in Tampa, and we came out of it ready to take on the world.
Dr. Paul had many opportunities to focus his supporters attention on a new goal, however he chose to leave it up to us to make our own decisions as "free-thinkers". Whether you agree with that choice or not, the fact is that we are now floating in purgatory as a movement with no clear place to focus our influence and passion.
We are left with a number of options to consider as we head into the voting booth in November. One of those options is to "write-in" Ron Paul. Thousands and thousands of people with make this choice, a choice that I would like to address now.
Ask yourself this question, and be honest with yourself. Why are you "writing-in" Ron Paul? What are your goals and reasonings for this choice? Again, be honest with yourself.
I have personally met thousands of Ron Paul supporters. They come in all shapes and sizes, colors, backgrounds, and beliefs. That is what makes us so powerful. We also come with some very different agendas.
I have given tremendous thought to why someone would "write-in" Ron Paul. I can come up with only one reason at this point, and it is not a reason anyone will be happy about. The reason is, selfishness. Why? A vote for Ron Paul now is a vote that will make you feel better about yourself. He is not asking for your vote in any way. Why would you vote for a man that is not asking for your vote? At the end of the day, the hard truth is this... Many people are voting for Ron Paul so that they can say "I voted for Ron Paul!". Many supporters are 100% anti-establishment in every way, and they view this vote as a vote against the entire system. They want to be able to proudly say that they did not given in so they feel better about themselves, even though their vote was not counted.
Now, ask yourself this question. If you could cast the 1 deciding vote in the election, in which Obama, Romney, and Gary Johnson were tied, who would you vote for then? It's all up to you now, you cannot "write-in" Ron Paul. With one vote, you have a chance to change the world. If you chose Gary Johnson, that is exactly who you should vote for in November, period.
If you are so concerned with what people think of your vote, then vote for Gary Johnson and tell people, "I voted for Liberty and Freedom. Beyond that, it's none of your damn business!"
I love Dr. Paul and have for about 30+ years now. He is honest and I think he has the right answers. However, my state has a sore loser rule whereby they will not count any vote for someone who has run but not gained the party's nomination. Many states have such rules. Dr. Paul is no longer running and isn't asking anyone to vote for him. It seems clear to me that people who agree with Dr. Paul would vote for the person whose political philosophy is the closest to his. That looks like Gary Johnson to me and I believe his name will be on the ballot in all 50 states. I believe we could at least make an impact and strengthen Libertarian ideas if all of Dr. Paul's supporters voted for Johnson. Perhaps Dr. Paul would have a prominent place in his cabinet if he won. At least we wouldnt be a "flash in the pan".
ReplyDeleteAgreed. My philosophy is, if you believe in Freedom & Liberty, vote for Gary Johnson. The other two just are not viable options for us as a country if elected. We will lose much more than we have now. Neither Obama nor Romney believe in personal freedoms for the general population. They want to give our country over to the U.N. or rule supremely themselves. I've heard the argument about the Constitution prohibiting such actions. But unfortunately, the President and Secretary of State have worked to undermine everything our Constitution stands for. If you want to work hard and have your earnings given to lazy slobs, or if you want a gag order on everything you say, or if you want your freedom and right to protect yourselves and your family, then vote for either one of these two. But if you believe in everything our Forefathers stand for, if you believe in everything our fathers and grandfathers fought to defend over the past 225 years our Constitution has been in place, then your vote for Gary Johnson is the intelligent vote. Get the word out. Place signs (where legal), write to your newspapers asking to do a piece on Johnson and donate (if you are able). These are the only ways we are going to protect our Nation for our future and our childrens and their childrens futures. Vote for Freedom. Vote Gary Johnson. It's really that simple.
ReplyDeleteSorry... typo: "..if you want your freedom and right to protect yourselves and your family.." SHOULD read: "..if you want your freedom and right to protect yourselves and your family TAKEN AWAY..." in reference to Obama & Romney, the other two. Sorry for the confusion!
DeleteGary Johnson is the only real choice for our civil liberties and a growing economy. He has my families vote!!
ReplyDeleteI love Dr. Paul and wish he was still in it. He would have made a great President. But ultimately I have to side with what I loved about Dr. Paul, his defense of the Constitution. Many think that there isn't a whole lot of difference between the two and I know that Romney isn't my ideal choice at all, but I feel Pres. Obama has trashed our Constitution more so than any other in our nations history. His economy and fiscal policies have brought the America I love to the brink of almost no return. I fear if he is re-elected we may not have the freedoms we fundamentally support that is protected by that Constitution. I wish I could support Garry Johnson and would do so in any other election, but this election is too critical for me or anyone really to vote for him out of closely held beliefs and defiance to the system. Face it, Romney would be bad, yes. But Obama again would be a disaster for all that we hold dear. The R3VOLUTION will live on I'm sure, but I must put my personal convictions aside this election and err, if you will, on the defense of that Constitution from minimal harm by voting for Romney.
ReplyDeleteI think Dr. Paul would disagree with you. He told us to seriously look at Gary Johnson. I did and I like what I see. If we continue to vote for the lesser of two evils, all we will ever get is evil. Romney only cares about the "needs" of the wealthy. His focus will be on protecting their money. That's all he understands. If you are wealthy, you probably should vote for him, otherwise I think you are making a very big mistake.
DeleteOur votes do not and have not counted for about 40 years now. The illusion that our votes count is the sole reason the two party system was devised. Until the two party system is abolished, the electronic voting machine, removed, the electoral votes removed, paper ballots and hand counts restored to the people, the elections will continue to be hacked and our votes will not count. The mindset that one has to vote the party or you are not patriotic was wiped away when the rnc and dnc both committed "in your face" election fraud by blatantly ignoring the duly elected delegates and scripted the convention results. We are absolved of that guilt and are free to vote our conscience. Not one candidate that they have selected is worthy to hold the high office. It is time to break the mold and restore the constitutional republic. For a vote for any of these tools will be the nail in this constitutional republics coffin. We've played by the corrupted two party political system and look where it's gotten us. It's time to play by the rule of the Land, the constitution.
ReplyDeleteI posted above you and I agree with everything you said, but I have to come to the unfortunate and rational minded conclusion that one of them will be elected into office no matter how we vote. One man is unfavorable to all of us and would do things against what we believe and somewhat outside of the Constitution and one man is a potential fundamental threat to the Constitution. I have supported Dr. Paul since early 2007 and have hoped that Americans would wake up to his message, but so far it fully hasn't. However, I believe one day it will once again listen to a man such as him. But for that to happen we must have a Constitution that is fundamentally still in place. I fear that with Obama and his recklessness and total disregard in everything he does we may not have that luxury.
DeleteI would write in Ron Paul then too.
ReplyDeleteI don't like any of them.
Voting for GJ will do nothing...the puppet is selected. This write-in is doing affidavits, the only thing that can hold up in court AND the last chance to wake people up to the truth that your votes don't count.