Saturday, May 12, 2012

Could Ron Paul Pull Off The Biggest Upset In GOP History?

THE EXAMINER | Mason Buran | May 12, 2012
Rule 38, the rule that has grabbed the hopes of the Ron Paul Revolution and instilled fear throughout the Republican establishment. Due to the recent discovery of Rule 38
and the effect it may cause on the Republican National Convention, many political analysts have placed their own interpretation on what it exactly stands for. Rule 38 states, "No delegate or alternate delegate shall be bound by any attempt of any state or Congressional district to impose the unit rule.” I am here to tell you the truth about Rule 38 and it lies in the hands of a ruling by the Republican National Convention Legal Counsel back in 2008.

The Republican National Convention Legal Counsel deals with rulings and controversies within a party. Utah follows the winner-take-all delegate awarding system, which means that the majority winner of the state attains all 40 delegates. In Utah, during the 2008 GOP Nomination process, a delegate refused to vote with the state's primary winner, Mitt Romney. The Republican National Convention Legal Counsel commented with this statement.

“Jennifer Sheehan, Legal Counsel for the RNC, plainly stated in a letter to Nancy Lord, Utah National Committeewoman, several weeks before the convention, 'The RNC does not recognize a state's binding of national delegates, but considers each delegate a free agent who can vote for whoever they choose.'”

In order to become a delegate, it involves a long and enduring process by attending after-caucus/primary meetings. Following those meetings, potential delegates are then required to attend district and state conventions where the delegates are then nominated to the convention. The process requires that the supporters have a lot of patience, while still maintaining enthusiasm for their ideal candidate. Ron Paul's supporters have been taking advantage of this process ever since Iowa. In many of the winner-take-all states, Ron Paul supporters have been nominated as delegates to the Republican National Convention but are still hypothetically bound to Mitt Romney. However, according to this ruling by the Republican National Convention Legal Counsel, they are not required to vote for Mitt Romney in any circumstance.

Let us not forget, the Republican Party is a private organization and are subject to their own ruling. If they do decide to listen to their ruling from 2008, the Ron Paul Revolution could complete one of the biggest feats in GOP history.

1 comment:

  1. Due to a problem on another site which was apparently used as a source for this article, this article contains an inaccurate attribution of a quote. Jennifer Sheehan did not actually write the sentence "The RNC does not recognize a state’s binding of national delegates, but considers each delegate a free agent who can vote for whoever they choose.”

    To see the actual correspondence between the RNC General Counsel's Office and Mrs. Lord, please visit
    Mike Ridgway, Former member of the Utah Republican State Central Committee
