RON PAUL U.S.A. | April 10, 2012
This is a sad, sad day. If your dream was to live in a country where the government told you what God to believe in, today is a sad day. If you always wanted to live in a country where you were told what you could do
in the privacy of your own bedroom, today is a sad day. If you would rather live in a place where those that do not believe as you do are condemned and scorn, well, today is a sad day.
We say goodbye today to our dear friend, Ricky Santorum. The man who dreamed of waging war against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, that did not see the world in exactly the same way he did. We say goodbye to the hope of a preemptive strike against Iran, North Korea, and perhaps England if they ever looked at us cross-eyed. It is a shame to think that we will never see the day when all of our famous literary works are burned in bonfires because they do not uphold "Christian" values.
Oh, do not despair. There is still hope for those of your that are sad today. You see, you still have the ability to vote for Romney, Obama, or perhaps Gingrich. True, they may not be quite as noble as Mr. Santorum, but trust me, they will make sure you get your wish if war is what you want!
"It would appear that the strain was more than he could bear."
This article was done in VERY poor taste. Regardless of how one feels about Santorum, this was immature and pointless.