Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ron Paul Holding Steady But Still Has Work To Do In South Carolina

RON PAUL U.S.A. | Randall Hall | January 17, 2012

Most of us would agree that while Ron Paul's ideas were rock solid during last night's GOP debate, the reaction was less than desirable at times.  He was clearly in a different zone right out of the gate, and had a confident defiance about him that was obvious. However, as expected, the moderators crafted a question on Bid Laden that was meant to paint him in a negative light, and by all accounts and the audience reaction, it worked.  Perception is reality in politics, and Dr. Paul needs to take those twisted questions and throw them right back at the moderator on his own terms.  I have all the confidence in the world that he will do that in the future!

A quick canvass of the 'pulse' of the news throughout the day today is that all the focus has been on Romney and his various 'issues of the day'.  That is great news for Ron Paul, as more voters become aware of Romney's true colors.  Dr. Paul is in a perfect position to come back with a home run performance in the next debate.

The New York Times is still projecting Ron Paul to finish in third place in South Carolina with about 16% of the vote.  That would put him well behind Romney and significantly behind Gingrich.  We need to do better than that to continue to get the respect from the media that we deserve!  There is work to be done, and this is a critical week for Ron Paul Nation!  There is no way that Newt Gingrich should beat Ron Paul in any primary from this point forward!  NONE! (See Why Ron Paul Has An Edge Over Mitt Romney)

Dr. Paul should get some strong coverage of his press conference and endorsements from the local TV affiliates this evening, and that could give him a small boost.  The local coverage on him has been positive, but very sparse.  It will be critical to increase the amount of local coverage he gets over the next week right up to voting day!

The bottom line is that we CAN do this, it will just take a massive effort from Ron Paul Nation to move the poll numbers and finish in a very respectable second place just as we did in New Hampshire!  Please donate money, make calls, and travel to South Carolina if you can to show your support!

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